to travel & see the world
- to make friends on all continents -
is one of the biggest gifts of life
that fills you with happyness.
Strip all stems of excess foliage, leaving one or two leaves at the top, and lay them on a table.
Gather a base of five or so sturdy stems, such as roses, in your hand, angling them so they form a spiral. Make sure any leaves face outward.
Layer in more-delicate stems, always at an angle, threading them through the foliage. If you use rosebuds, leave room for them to open.
Turn the bouquet frequently in your hand to make sure it's balanced. Push or pull on stems from the bottom to achieve the proper height for each.
Bind with a rubber band, looping it around the stems tightly enough to hold the bouquet. Choose a vessel, and cut stems to fit.